Monday, 3 October 2011

hot and windy...'s a whole lot better than wet (cold) and windy!

Hawaii is delivering.  Within 24hrs I told Mel I wanted to come again next year. 

Everything you hear, everything you read, everything you see; Kona delivers.  It's a small town but in Ironman week it delivers Supersize.  The leanness of everyone is what gets you first, but the tans are a close second.  You'd imagine it to be feel of fast triathletes, and I guess it's just that it is. 
Day three and I've got over my first sweat-fest run (with a HR 20bpm elevated) and had a couple of decent turns out on the bike.  Plus an incredible swim in the Aquarium that they call a swim course.

Yesterday was a decent ride out in the lunch sun to check out Queen K. It's long, hot and windy, however, it's super smooth, like glass compared to Kiwi heavy chip and the course seems rolling rather than hilly.  Mind you I haven't been up to the hilly bit yet. With massive winds and an elevated HR from the heat it's going to be really hard to gauge effort.  This is one bike course a power meter would be nice.

Mel and I joined some masses this morning for Chris Lieto's Path 10k down Ali Drive, thankfully at 7:30am and I jogged it with Mel, but even then the core temps rise pretty quick.  Lunchtime I went out on the Queen K again for the last effort 90mins on the bike a 45min run.  Felt great but after the 45min run I was cooked.  Lot's of white is going to be in order for next Saturday,

Without doubt I'm nervous and the heat is going to play a huge factor in my race, but I'm here for the experience, if I can enjoy the swim and bike and get into T2 as fresh as possible I'll just cold on for as long as possible in the heat.  I'm in good shape but not going to be nudging any records this year...

We've a day of sight-seeing tomorrow and then Tues is the parade of nations, registration, underpant run, etc, etc. So expect a few more blogs and pics over the coming days.



Anonymous said...

Good luck on Saturday, Pidthingy. Will be watching out for you in between the rugby.



Anonymous said...

Have a great day and enjoy


Dave Dawson

Anonymous said...

Good lick Labia; Tuesday nite lads will be thinking of you,

Dave Kettles

Anonymous said...

mate...excuse the completely unintended pun...that should read good LUCK

xlpharmacy said...

Hawaii is just too perfect for vacations, the weather, the people, the food and the women are just incredible.